Advanced missing parts list: Add-on to SAP ERP or SAP S/4HANA

Operational control of supplier relations: How buyers can react to supply problems through ORSOFT’s “extended missing parts list” tool

Just-in-time delivery networks often cause short-term failures, delays or changes in the supply of production parts. Accordingly, buyers require an advanced tool to prioritise the wide range of parts categorized as missing. Based on the list of prioritised missing parts, buyers need to know which partial deliveries they should insist on and which delivery delays they can accept. The objective is to ensure on time order fulfilment ranked by customer importance or other KPIs.

Summary of all information on missing parts

The extended missing parts list summarises information of the missing part, the affected orders across all stages of the logistics chain and thus all affected customer requirements.

Transparent presentation of effects on logistic chains caused by missing parts

The effects resulting from missing parts are tracked along the entire logistics chain, enabling helpful statements about quantities and sales at risk.

Extend transaction CO24 "missing parts list" from SAP ERP or SAP S/4HANA | Central features of the ORSOFT solution

Prioritisation according to turnover at risk

Buyers can see how much turnover would be lost caused on missing parts and which customers would be affected.

Dynamic pegging

In contrast to a simple missing parts list, the entire production chain (the entire production tree) is calculated across all production stages, right through to the end product.


Buyers can simulate how much turnover he would gain or which customers could be satisfied if he could receive partial deliveries.

Simplified handling

The buyer’s work becomes more transparent and easier: all information at a glance, quick calculations of the transactions and easy jumping to the corresponding SAP transaction.

Bird's eye perspective on all information

Possibility of creating a tree – based on sales order – through all stages of the production process, showing which parts are missing for each sales order.

Quick implementation

The solution can be added to an existing SAP ERP or SAP S/4HANA system in just a few hours. The existing SAP infrastructure is used; no additional infrastructure is necessary. The solution can be purchased or rented.

ORSOFT advanced missing parts list: advantages over the solution in SAP ERP or SAP S/4HANA

Transaction CO24 in SAP ERP / SAP S/4HANA lists information on the missing parts and the orders directly affected by them. In addition to this, ORSOFT’s extended missing parts list supports the entire logistics chain:

  • Prioritisation, i.e. information on customer needs and turnovers at risk, etc.
  • Potentials to resolve conflicts, e.g. through information for scheduling flexibility, indication of the influence of partial deliveries, etc.
  • References to supplier and customer information

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Dr. Martin Kohl
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